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Links tagged with ai (15 items)
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Natural Language Processing for the Working Programmer16/Nov/10
tagged as: ai , algorithm , books , ebook , haskell , language , machine-learning , machinelearning , natural-language , natural-language-processing , nlp -
Stanford School of Engineering07/May/10
tagged as: ai , computerscience , course , lectures , linguistics , machine-learning , natural-language , stanford , video -
Measuring Measures - blog - Learning about Machine Learning, 2nd Ed.12/Mar/10
Triumph of the Cyborg Composer25/Feb/10
Elements of Statistical Learning13/Oct/09
Why Machine Intelligence is so Hard09/Oct/09
Two AI Pioneers. Two Bizarre Suicides. What Really Happened?16/Sep/09
How FlightCaster Squeezes Predictions from Flight Data » Data Wrangling Blog24/Aug/09
tagged as: ai , clojure , data , datamining , flightcaster , hadoop , interview , machine-learning , opendata , startups , statistics -
Easy AI with Python (#115) - PyCon 2009 - Chicago - A Conference for the Python Community02/Apr/09
Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java11/Nov/08
The fundamental error of most "semantic" technologies - The Gay Bar10/Nov/08
Language detection, a usability enhancer? - Friendly Bit29/Aug/07
Tetris AI : computer plays Tetris27/Aug/07
How To Tell Stuff To A Computer - The Enigmatic Art of Knowledge Representation24/Apr/07