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Links tagged with api (8 items)
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overplot NYC10/Sep/09
ehci - Project Hosting on Google Code12/Aug/09
tagged as: 3d , api , augmentedreality , computervision , hci , imagemanipulation , interface , multitouch , opencv , vision , webcam -
jespern / django-piston / wiki / Home — bitbucket.org21/Jun/09
API Design Matters | May 2009 | Communications of the ACM02/May/09
On API Design Guidelines23/Apr/09
World Bank - Welcome to the World Bank Developer Network!14/Apr/09
tagged as: api , civics , database , economics , information , mashup , opendata , statistics , webservices , worldbank -
Google Maps API for Flash Developer Guide - Google Maps API for Flash - Google Code16/May/08