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Links tagged with blog (30 items)
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The If Works - This dirt was a building before11/Apr/11
Clojure and Markdown (and Javascript and Java and...)15/May/10
Blog Archive » A Marc Andreessen blog archive15/Oct/09
tagged as: archive , blog , business , entrepreneurship , inspiration , marcandreessen , readlater , startups -
Open Atrium18/Sep/09
tagged as: blog , cms , collaboration , drupal , groupware , intranet , management , OpenSource , projectmanagement , tools , wiki -
Room 101: Constructors Considered Harmful10/Sep/09
tagged as: architecture , blog , constructor , factory , giladbracha , metaclass , oop , programming , scala , smalltalk -
briancarper.net :: Vim09/Sep/09
Random Etc. - Notes to self. Work, play, and the rest.09/Sep/09
Goodbye Google | stopdesign20/Mar/09
Nlog 9502/Jun/08
generalrelativity » Mathematics08/Nov/07
Stopdesign | Going to Google29/May/06
Official Google Blog: Avoiding RSI26/Apr/06
I do my own stunts -- Fabricio Zuardi14/Apr/06
Sönke Rohde » FFMPEG11/Apr/06
zeh | flash + videogames + typography + sprites + all inbetween10/Apr/06
kottke.org :: home of fine hypertext products06/Apr/06
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: Culture Is Not Always Popular:<br> AIGA National Design Conference06/Apr/06
Stevey's Drunken Blog Rants03/Apr/06
TechCrunch » Exclusive Screenshots: Google Calendar10/Mar/06
Why I passed up the chance to work at Apple ~ Authentic Boredom21/Feb/06
Niall Kennedy's Weblog14/Feb/06
Happy Cog Studios: web design and user experience17/Jan/06
cultura loser & filosofia barata - UOL Blog15/Dec/05
A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)13/Dec/05