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Links tagged with clojure (9 items)
Subscribe to entries tagged with clojure
Getting interactive development to work (again) - Compojure on GAE20/Sep/10
Clojure and Markdown (and Javascript and Java and...)15/May/10
Hyperpolyglot: Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp20/Apr/10
tagged as: cheatsheet , clojure , common-lisp , elisp , emacs , lisp , plt , programming , reference , scheme -
Compojure/Emacs Intro on Vimeo05/Apr/10
How a Clojure pet project turned into a full-blown cloud-computing web-app17/Feb/10
Hadoop – Feeding Reddit to Hadoop | BEST IN CLASS13/Jan/10
briancarper.net :: Vim09/Sep/09
How FlightCaster Squeezes Predictions from Flight Data » Data Wrangling Blog24/Aug/09
tagged as: ai , clojure , data , datamining , flightcaster , hadoop , interview , machine-learning , opendata , startups , statistics -
YouTube - Lisp for High-Performance Transaction Processing18/Aug/09