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Links tagged with culture (10 items)
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The Anthropology of Hackers - Technology - The Atlantic30/Sep/10
tagged as: anthropology , articles , atlantic , culture , hacker , nerds , politics , programmer , psychology , toread -
Art Space Tokyo - Tokyo Art Maps: Watari Museum - Gaienmae, Tokyo26/Aug/09
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com05/Aug/09
tagged as: analytics , anthropology , chart , culture , education , flash , graph , graphics , nytimes , research , society , statistics , visualization , work -
Dead Programmer Society: I Would Rather Be A Jazz Programmer31/May/07
YouTube - Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES23/Mar/07
kottke.org :: home of fine hypertext products06/Apr/06
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: Culture Is Not Always Popular:<br> AIGA National Design Conference06/Apr/06
sascha pohflepp projects01/Feb/06