Entries tagged with django-app (0 items)
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Links tagged with django-app (26 items)
Subscribe to entries tagged with django-app
jsocol/django-waffle - GitHub27/Aug/11
disqus/gargoyle - GitHub27/Aug/11
Staste - a slightly complicated event tracking package for your Django webiste, backed by Redis04/Aug/11
gist: 629508 - GitHub06/Feb/11
comoga/django-constance - GitHub04/Feb/11
tagged as: django-app -
drmeers / django-dbgettext / wiki / Home – Bitbucket28/Dec/10
django-dilla - GitHub06/Dec/10
alex/django-ajax-validation - GitHub06/Dec/10
Backbone.js and Django | joshbohde.com30/Nov/10
Django cities29/Nov/10
Brandon Konkle05/Oct/10
SmileyChris's easy-thumbnails at master - GitHub16/Sep/10
henriquebastos's django-autocomplete at master - GitHub06/Sep/10
notification/models.py at master from jerzyk's django-notification - GitHub03/Sep/10
zacharyvoase / django-boss / source — bitbucket.org01/Jun/10
dominno's django-moderation12/Mar/10
dajaxproject.com - easy to use ajax library for django24/Feb/10
tagged as: ajax , dajax , django , django-app , framework , javascript , library , programming , python , webdev -
jdriscoll / django-imagekit / wiki / Home — bitbucket.org15/Jan/10
django-authority’s documentation!24/Nov/09
django-reversion - Project Hosting on Google Code13/Oct/09
akoha / django-lean / wiki / Home — bitbucket.org06/Oct/09
FeinCMS Django CMS screenshots16/Sep/09
tagged as: data-structures , database , django , django-app , graph , mptt , nestedset , trees , webdev -
jespern / django-piston / wiki / Home — bitbucket.org21/Jun/09