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Links tagged with hacking (13 items)
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Script Tip: Negative Array Indexing27/Aug/06
Patterns in Python27/Aug/06
Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial07/Aug/06
Ruby Quiz26/Apr/06
URL Rewriting Guide - Apache HTTP Server18/Apr/06
OpenID: an actually distributed identity system17/Apr/06
ActionScript.com The Flash/Flex ActionScript Developer Community - Articles13/Apr/06
Introduction: Why Lisp?07/Apr/06
ONLamp.com -- Art and Computer Programming06/Apr/06
A List Apart: A List Apart24/Dec/05
Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines20/Dec/05
Google Groups : Django users15/Dec/05
A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)13/Dec/05