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Links tagged with hci (26 items)
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The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing | cxpartners08/Oct/09
Google Geo Developers Blog: Our Favorites: Time-Based Maps05/Sep/09
ehci - Project Hosting on Google Code12/Aug/09
tagged as: 3d , api , augmentedreality , computervision , hci , imagemanipulation , interface , multitouch , opencv , vision , webcam -
The Story of the Ribbon - MIX Videos01/Aug/09
Reinventing the desktop (for real this time) – Part 1 « brian will . net20/Jul/09
MAYA Design29/Jun/09
Amazon.com: Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (Interactive Technologies): Bill Buxton: Books30/Apr/09
Tantek's Thoughts — 2007 February21/Mar/09
Pass S.22322/Aug/08
What reading Tufte won’t teach you: Interface design guidelines12/Aug/08
Engelbart papers09/Jan/08
Songza - The music search engine & internet jukebox. Listen. Now.14/Nov/07
Particletree » Visualizing Fitts’s Law04/Oct/07
Web Application Form Design10/Jul/07
Enso Launcher06/Jul/07
We Feel Fine29/Jun/07
mprove: The Reactive Engine. Alan Kay 196912/Jun/07
TED | Talks | Blaise Aguera y Arcas: Photosynth demo (video)05/Jun/07
Overview of Multi-touch technolu02/Jun/07
PowerCursor - Design Interfaces you can Touch [BETA]24/May/07
Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface03/Apr/07
ACM Queue - The Future of Human-Computer Interaction: For many years HCI has been evolutionary, not revolutionary. Is this about to change?29/Mar/07
ACM SIGGRAPH 1983 Issue 8 - Smalltalk - Google Video09/Feb/07
Alex Faaborg - » Basing the Design of History on the User’s Memory15/Jan/07