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Links tagged with humor (16 items)
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www: theoriginofthe<blink>tag06/Jul/10
xkcd: Lisp22/Jun/10
xkcd: Wasteland22/Jun/10
Telescopic Text © Joe Davis 200823/Jul/09
xkcd - A Webcomic - Duty Calls16/Jan/09
Why Should I Care What Color the Bikeshed Is?03/Jan/08
List of classic Mozilla bug reports06/Sep/07
What's new in Dylan? Is it even OO? - comp.lang.dylan | Google Groups23/Aug/07
Dead Programmer Society: I Would Rather Be A Jazz Programmer31/May/07
4chan BBS - Evolution of a Python programmer25/May/07
The Simpsons03/May/07
YouTube - Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES23/Mar/07
Scribd - What People say in Court21/Mar/07
Neopoleon : Excel as a database05/Dec/06
Bella Vista06/Apr/06