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Links tagged with inspiration (23 items)
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Action Method Online :: Tour20/Sep/10
tagged as: collaboration , css , gtd , inspiration , productivity , projectmanagement , ui , web2.0 , webapp -
Keep calm & carry on: What you didn't know about the reddit story - Soaring on a Pig with Bread Wings04/Aug/10
Hacker News | - Shiny things are nowhere as much fun after you get them as before, even if the...15/Jul/10
Blog Archive » A Marc Andreessen blog archive15/Oct/09
tagged as: archive , blog , business , entrepreneurship , inspiration , marcandreessen , readlater , startups -
tagged as: business , career , entrepreneurship , hiring , inspiration , jobs , management , netflix , presentation , work -
Veerle's blog 2.0 - Webdesign - XHTML CSS | Graphic Design01/Sep/06
EGOLOUNGE *Das Büro für Gestaltung28/Aug/06
radiantmars - the work of Mark Jardine28/Aug/06
Firewheel Design | Fueling Icon and Interface Design for Web 2.004/Jul/06
Nudo – Adopt an olive tree16/May/06
Subtraction 7.004/May/06
JeffCroft.com: Homepage04/May/06
Levitated | the Exploration of Computation06/Apr/06
D E S T R O Y06/Apr/06
Vivabit | Design18/Jan/06
Happy Cog Studios: web design and user experience17/Jan/06
Dangergraphics.com // Portfolio15/Jan/06
Flashforward > Finalists11/Jan/06
Kutztown University | Communication Design Department24/Dec/05
Pen & Think — design for web & print24/Dec/05