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Links tagged with lisp (10 items)
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xkcd: Lisp22/Jun/10
Hyperpolyglot: Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp20/Apr/10
tagged as: cheatsheet , clojure , common-lisp , elisp , emacs , lisp , plt , programming , reference , scheme -
Computational Complexity of Air Travel Planning04/Mar/10
tagged as: airfare , airlines , airtravel , algorithm , computerscience , flights , graph , ita , lisp , optimization , presentation -
How a Clojure pet project turned into a full-blown cloud-computing web-app17/Feb/10
YouTube - Lisp for High-Performance Transaction Processing18/Aug/09
las3r — GitHub03/Dec/08
Learning Lisp Fast10/Apr/07
Crossing borders: The beauty of Lisp23/Mar/07
L-99: Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems12/Dec/06
Introduction: Why Lisp?07/Apr/06