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Links tagged with reference (32 items)
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Eloquent JavaScript -- interactive tutorial07/Oct/10
tagged as: book , books , ebooks , javascript , language , learning , programming , reference , toread , tutorials -
Ruby on Rails Guides: Ruby On Rails Security Guide02/Sep/10
Commonly Confused Bits Of jQuery - Smashing Magazine10/Aug/10
International Address Formats (Postal/Mailing Addresses) and Other International Mailing Information20/May/10
tagged as: address , addressbook , addresses , data , development , formats , i18n , information , reference -
ISO 3166-2 State Codes | CommonDataHub07/May/10
Hyperpolyglot: Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp20/Apr/10
tagged as: cheatsheet , clojure , common-lisp , elisp , emacs , lisp , plt , programming , reference , scheme -
Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial12/Mar/10
Download the most complete DVD list on the Web08/Mar/10
The Cognitive Science Millennium Project11/Jan/10
Unicode In 5 Minutes - Second Life Wiki03/Mar/09
Beej's Guide to Unix IPC30/May/07
Douglas Crockford's Javascript04/May/07
Topics:SICP in other languages - CTMWiki23/Mar/07
Algorithm Education in Python19/Mar/07
Time zone abbreviations19/Feb/07
how to secure REST applications04/Dec/06
kama3d.com : Virtual exhibition of 3d kamasutra sculpture17/Jul/06
Squarespace - Browser Support23/Jun/06
defmacro - Functional Programming For The Rest of Us20/Jun/06
BBC Learning English | Home page19/Jun/06
The Dojo Toolkit: Documentation and Articles15/Jun/06
A Simple Character Entity Chart | evolt.org16/May/06
Adobe - Developer Center : Flash 8 Best Practices16/May/06
Linux and UNIX tar command help11/May/06
The Flashcoders Archives25/Apr/06
URL Rewriting Guide - Apache HTTP Server18/Apr/06
Metaclass programming in Python06/Apr/06
Django API06/Apr/06
Design Observer: writings about design & culture: Culture Is Not Always Popular:<br> AIGA National Design Conference06/Apr/06
Usage in scriptaculous wiki26/Jan/06
TextMate Manual09/Jan/06
Introduction | The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web15/Dec/05