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Links tagged with security (18 items)
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SSL in Plain English03/Sep/10
Ruby on Rails Guides: Ruby On Rails Security Guide02/Sep/10
Articles on permissions18/Jul/10
Hacker News | Ask HN: where do you get your SSL certificates?15/Jun/10
danah boyd | apophenia » Facebook and “radical transparency” (a rant)25/May/10
Everything you need to know about cryptography in 1 hour14/May/10
Iptables Tutorial 1.2.223/Feb/10
tagged as: documentation , firewall , ip , iptables , linux , network , networking , security , sysadmin , tcp/ip -
A ~12 Step Program25/Sep/09
PortSwigger.net - Burp Suite Professional25/Sep/09
tagged as: security -
arc90 lab : experiments : HalfMask - an Experiment in Password Masking09/Jul/09
Moserware: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection10/Jun/09
A DRM Dissertation-Geek-Free Debian Tutorials and Stuff19/May/09
How PGP works13/Apr/09
py-bcrypt - strong password hashing for Python02/Oct/07
Matasano Chargen » Enough With The Rainbow Tables: What You Need To Know About Secure Password Schemes10/Sep/07
databrowse and - Django users | Google Groups31/May/07
Slicehost Forum - banning ssh brute force attempts?26/Mar/07
OpenID: an actually distributed identity system17/Apr/06