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Links tagged with smalltalk (7 items)
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Introduction to Using Smalltalk-Style Traits Instead of Inheritance08/Aug/10
Room 101: Constructors Considered Harmful10/Sep/09
tagged as: architecture , blog , constructor , factory , giladbracha , metaclass , oop , programming , scala , smalltalk -
Mirrors: Design Principles for Meta-level Facilities of Object-Oriented Programming Languages26/Aug/09
tagged as: architecture , giladbracha , java , metaprogramming , oop , paper , programming-languages , smalltalk -
Sun Labs Lively Kernel29/Jan/08
Guy Steel on clusure as objects (and vice versa)20/Sep/07
mprove: The Reactive Engine. Alan Kay 196912/Jun/07
ACM SIGGRAPH 1983 Issue 8 - Smalltalk - Google Video09/Feb/07