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Links tagged with statistics (19 items)
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How Not To Sort By Average Rating - Linkive14/Dec/10
Warning Signs in Experimental Design and Interpretation14/Jun/10
tagged as: analysis , bayes , data , datamining , experimental , psychology , research , science , statistics , stats -
Measuring Measures - blog - Learning about Machine Learning, 2nd Ed.12/Mar/10
Elements of Statistical Learning13/Oct/09
eBMJ -- Statistics at Square One26/Sep/09
linkiblog | How to Build a Popularity Algorithm You can be Proud of01/Sep/09
How FlightCaster Squeezes Predictions from Flight Data » Data Wrangling Blog24/Aug/09
tagged as: ai , clojure , data , datamining , flightcaster , hadoop , interview , machine-learning , opendata , startups , statistics -
Gallery - Exploring the exploding internet - Image 1 - New Scientist20/Aug/09
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com05/Aug/09
tagged as: analytics , anthropology , chart , culture , education , flash , graph , graphics , nytimes , research , society , statistics , visualization , work -
The Man Who Shook Up Vegas - WSJ.com03/Jul/09
How busy is your train station? Every one detailed02/Jul/09
World Bank - Welcome to the World Bank Developer Network!14/Apr/09
tagged as: api , civics , database , economics , information , mashup , opendata , statistics , webservices , worldbank -
RISK Mismanagement - What Led to the Financial Meltdown - NYTimes.com19/Feb/09
djm101 comments on How Not To Sort By Average Rating13/Feb/09
How Not To Sort By Average Rating13/Feb/09
Various statistics about internet access and use in Brazil.28/May/08
TED | Talks | Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen (video)27/May/08
Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface03/Apr/07
Statistical Data Mining Tutorials28/Dec/06