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Links tagged with sysadmin (18 items)
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Scaling Puppet with Git | Bitfield Consulting03/Jul/11
Brandon Konkle26/Oct/10
tagged as: deploy , deployment , django , emacs , gunicorn , nginx , postgresql , programming , python , supervisord , sysadmin , ubuntu , virtualenv -
coleifer's django-site-gen at master - GitHub11/Oct/10
Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial12/Mar/10
Running Processes28/Feb/10
tagged as: daemontools , deployment , launchd , management , monitoring , processes , sysadmin , ubuntu , unix -
Learning to compile things from source (on Unix/Linux/OSX) - Server Fault26/Feb/10
Iptables Tutorial 1.2.223/Feb/10
tagged as: documentation , firewall , ip , iptables , linux , network , networking , security , sysadmin , tcp/ip -
tagged as: deployment , monitoring , OpenSource , python , server , sysadmin , tools , unix , webdev -
Speaking UNIX: Stayin' alive with Screen29/Sep/09
How to Debug Bash Scripts | Ayman Hourieh's Blog25/Aug/09
RRDtool - About RRDtool30/Jul/09
tagged as: analysis , graph , graphics , OpenSource , rrdtool , software , sysadmin , tool , visualization -
Joe Dog Software - Siege Home14/Jul/09
Efficient Editing With vim - Jonathan McPherson01/Mar/09
Unix System Adminstration DeCal, Spring 200803/Aug/08
puppet - Trac27/Oct/07
Zenoss : Overview : Open Source Network & Systems Monitoring26/Mar/07
Slicehost Forum - banning ssh brute force attempts?26/Mar/07