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Links tagged with toread (40 items)
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An Examination of goog.base()02/Aug/11
The Node Beginner Book20/Apr/11
Eloquent JavaScript -- interactive tutorial07/Oct/10
tagged as: book , books , ebooks , javascript , language , learning , programming , reference , toread , tutorials -
The Anthropology of Hackers - Technology - The Atlantic30/Sep/10
tagged as: anthropology , articles , atlantic , culture , hacker , nerds , politics , programmer , psychology , toread -
Just What Developers Need to Know | Use The Index, Luke!19/Aug/10
Opera: Web Standards Curriculum28/Nov/09
Two AI Pioneers. Two Bizarre Suicides. What Really Happened?16/Sep/09
Learning The Ropes | PC Plus01/Jul/09
Almost Perfect by W. E. Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfect Corporation04/Apr/09
Alex Krupp's Home Page03/May/07
Ten lessons by Gian-Carlo Rota19/Apr/07
ACM Queue - The Future of Human-Computer Interaction: For many years HCI has been evolutionary, not revolutionary. Is this about to change?29/Mar/07
Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software - Table of Contents - The MIT Press20/Mar/07
The Mobile Web13/Feb/07
Confessions of a middle-aged Ecstasy eater | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited06/Feb/07
futures directions for programming / environments04/Feb/07
Don't Let Architecture Astronauts Scare You - Joel on Software26/Jan/07
Frederica.com - Writings - - Let's Have More Teen Pregnancy25/Jan/07
The Long Strange Trip to Java19/Jan/07
Damn Interesting » The Lonely Tree of Ténéré17/Jan/07
Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers - health - 17 January 2007 - New Scientist17/Jan/07
Alex Faaborg - » Basing the Design of History on the User’s Memory15/Jan/07
Pharyngula: Evolution of the mammalian vagina15/Jan/07
the selfish class28/Dec/06
Statistical Data Mining Tutorials28/Dec/06
Independent Online Edition > Profiles04/Dec/06
Damn Interesting » High-Rise Syndrome09/Nov/06
Ten Recurring Economic Fallacies, 1774–2004 - Mises Institute28/Aug/06
Schneier on Security: What the Terrorists Want26/Aug/06
Como foi inventado o romance "noir" - 03/08/2006 - UOL Mídia Global03/Aug/06
George Orwell: Politics and the English Language30/Jul/06
The country that wouldn't grow up - Haaretz - Israel News25/Jul/06
The decorator module11/Jun/06
Acme: A User Interface for Programmers22/May/06
Ron's collection of quotable quips19/Apr/06
PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things" » Archive » Erik Spiekermann - typography and design today10/Apr/06
Introduction: Why Lisp?07/Apr/06
Metaclass programming in Python06/Apr/06
A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.017/Jan/06