Entries tagged with vim (3 items)
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OpenInVim droplet for osx22/Sep/09
A quick way to open the selected paths in finder in VIM.
Hello VIM, or quitting TextMate cold turkey21/Sep/09
Recipe for quitting TextMate cold turkey,
How I learn to stop worrying and love VIM19/Sep/09
Making VIM work for me.
Links tagged with vim (13 items)
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Like Slime, for Vim « Jonathan’s Techno-tales04/Dec/09
briancarper.net :: Vim09/Sep/09
delimitMate.vim - Provides auto-completion and some expansions for parens, quotes, etc. : vim online23/Aug/09
snipMate - TextMate-style snippets for Vim : vim online15/Jun/09
VIM as Python IDE | Alain M. Lafon15/Jun/09
Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro26/May/09
Vim for TextMate fans01/Mar/09
Efficient Editing With vim - Jonathan McPherson01/Mar/09
RedHat: Re: vim question - comment multiple lines12/Feb/08
Swaroop C H, The Dreamer » Archives » Effective Vim17/Nov/07
clipboarded: vim as an IDE11/Oct/07
Vim-cheat-sheet - Graphical26/Jun/07
The Vim commands cheat sheet26/Jun/07