Marcelo Krasilcic
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Responsible for: front-end(flash), back-end (python)

Another five black cats project, this was a complete new web site for fashion photographer Marcelo Krasilsic. Lucia reached a great creative solution to image viewer problem in interfaces. With large bold thumbs and a sideways scrolling timeline, each photo collection carries a distinctive flavour, inviting the user to view more. A very minimalist look, the site almost disappears, all you see are the photos themselves.

Another interesting feature was the personal favorites. Each user can select his favorites pictures and send them to friends. This was my first flash 8 project, and being able to use BitmapDatas helped a lot to implement this feature. This was also the first time I implemented a full fledge drag and drop interface, complete with reordering, removal and so forth. The end result is very usable and delightfully simple.

The back-end for the favorites was hacked in python.

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