Stimuli Studio
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Responsible for: design, front-end (flash)

After years of developing websites for others, it was finally time to do one for my self. Oh boy, having yourself as a customer is hard. After three or four aborted attempts, I had an idea for a very simple website, blocks of color and some typographic teases. A few words about guiding principles for my work, portfolios pieces and a contact form.

The site was done in a little under three weeks. Today many ideas in it look very dated (oh, the soundtrack...) but I still like it's tone and simplicity.

Portfolio pieces include works from 2001 to 2004. After that I got too busy (and maybe too lazy) to update it, so most of the pieces there are pretty old.

It was the first time I implemented hot swapping for i18n, meaning that you could change idioms at any time and voliá, with animation too. This was a bit tricy since the type effect was a bit intensive, processing wise. Some careful timing and algorithm to sequence all texts that needed to change in an orderly fashion.

It was also an a-ha moment for not reinventing the wheel. A few days after launching I discovered ASBroadcaster, a simple but functional event broadcaster that did exactely what my own broadcaster did, except it was already done and tested and wouldn't take me two or three hours to get it right.

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