Flash on the Beach 2008

Let's have a beer at FOTB in Brighton.

After a while wanting to atend a flash conference, this year everything has worked out. FOTB 2008 has a fantastic line up of speakers, I am excited to hear quite a few talks.

I'll be in FOTB in Brighton, so if anyone want to gather up and discuss development, BulkLoader, complain about AS3 in general, life, the universe and evertyhing over a beer, just drop me a line.

getting a third opinion

Gabriel says at

Say to Grant Skinner that we love him!

Hugh says at

Are you sure want a "bear"? A beer is usually preferred.

but to each his own. Have fun! say hi to everyone for me.

Rafael Rinaldi says at

Quote on Gabriel.

Rafael Rinaldi says at

Also say to André Michelle that we think he's crazy.

Brunetta says at

So, Arthur, tell us more about how FOTB was! ;)

Have the last word

posted by
Arthur Debert


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