A Visual Inspector for BulkLoader

Debugging BulkLoader usage just got easier.

A couple of weeks ago I exchanged a few emails with Chris O'Byrne. He was writing a loading lib for actionscritp and was taking some ideas and code from BulkLoader. The result is . I haven't look much into it, but one thing struck me. He created a visual inspector, a GUI that let's helps to understand what is being loaded. I thought this would be a nice addition to BulkLoader, mainly to help others debug and understand what BulkLoader is doing. As they say, good artists copy, great artists steal ;).

It ocurred to me that anything but the simplest interface would require a GUI toolkit. It made sense to do it in Flex.

It turns out that the inspector is very useful, and helped to visualize a few issues with BulkLoader my self. Here is what it looks like:

The inspector running

Since it uses Flex, you need to use it differently, depending on what your project is. If you are coding a Flex application, then just instanciate the BulkLoaderInspectorPanel, and you should be all set. If you are working on a regular (non-flex) project, you should load a compiled swf. But since flex apps have a very specific lifecycle, there are some steps you need to take. The easiest path is to just create a Bootstrapper (trunk/inspector/Bootstrapper.as). Just setup the path to the swf, and it should just work.

There a few visual adjustments to be made, but it's very useful as is. If you're into flex and would like to improve on it, patches are very welcome.

Note however, that since it compiles the entire flex framework, hence it has a big file size, it should only be used while debugging.

getting a third opinion

Bear says at

This is cool! I'd wanna try this thx for work

Chris O'Byrne says at

Nice work! It looks good, and I'm glad you found inspiration from mine!

Danilo says at

Pretty nice extension dude, i'd like to suggest another extension, which shows the images, videos, swfs, audio or anything else that can be displayed (audio can be shown as an small player), so you can kinda preview the loaded content, as well as other info about it.

Arthur Debert says at


That's a good idea... I'll save it for a future realse, thanks!

Karly says at

Hi Arthur,

I’m currently using a bulkloader to load 4 of my .swf files and I’m also using an AJAX Radmenu Control for my drop down menu. The problem I’m having is that the 2nd child item from the Radmenu has a major delay problem when you mouse over it while the animation is still “animating” on the flash. I’ve tried several methods and nothing has fixed this problem.

Would you be able to take a look at the site and give me some inputs on it?

Thank you so much! Karly

Have the last word

posted by
Arthur Debert


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