fcsh tools
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Scripts that setup a server to interface with fcsh (incremental compiler for mxmcl). Seems well written, and this would make textmate compiling of as3 a breeze.
Scripts that setup a server to interface with fcsh (incremental compiler for mxmcl). Seems well written, and this would make textmate compiling of as3 a breeze.
Very useful. Nice work. Please note that the example config has blanks between the comma-separated URL's, which does not work and causes errors of the form "Setting unknown option" ( ...
This looks like a fabulous resource. However, the download link is broken.
Hi all, I have this error when i launch the script:
You needto specify which URLS to monitor by setting the 'urls' env variable in your munin-conf.
I have added ...
Nice Plug in
Nice plugin, it works really well. When clicking through to the graphs I get:
"NOTE! This service is in CRITICAL state because one of the values reported is outside the ...
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