How to Measure Page Load Time With Google Analytics | Web Performance Blog
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Nice hack to measure loading times with GA.
Nice hack to measure loading times with GA.
I found your site very interesting and informative.
I wasn't saying that HTML5 can't make video players just saying that video is not the biggest selling point for Flash, it is just one part of it. I ...
Last time I checked HTML5 can do custom video players fine.
Flash brought video to the web, but as it stands it's becoming less relevant to use it for ...
A few points to consider...
html5 is not a new technology, it just added what it should of had a long time ago, and Flash just filled that demand. Custom ...
Thanks for your StackOverflow reply!
I read this post and also wanted to shed some insight that Flash is starting to be used in other traditional forms of media immensely.
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