No where
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This page has a sentimental to me. When I just discoverd the internet, in 2003 (yeah I was late to the game), I use to get stone and enter a lot of random urls I'd like to buy, such as . Reading this, I was fascinated. Who was lisa? Why did she need to worry about her future. This site was actually like this for many years, and then it vanished. I wonder whatever happened to lisa. The full text bellow: Not much going on at nowhere, nobody here but us chickens. By the way, nowhere did not spam you, if that's why you've landed here. Even if I was some lowlife spammer, would I send you mail from my own address now? I've hung onto this domain since 1994, and by now I can almost guarantee that I hate spammers more than you do. Sorry for the lack of original content here, sorry for the lack of any content. Plans are in the hopper, but all I can do right now is worry about my future. -- lisa
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